We care patients
at your home
We care for your loved ones at home. Providing patient care, pregnancy care, therapy, Orthocare, Lungcare, Eldercare, baby care, and more. Your family's well-being is our priority.

We care for your loved ones at home. Providing patient care, pregnancy care, therapy, Orthocare, Lungcare, Eldercare, baby care, and more. Your family's well-being is our priority.
We understand that time and health issues may prevent you from visiting the hospital. That's why we offer home nursing services.
Illness can happen at any time and requires experience to care for. That's why we have emergency services you can call anytime.
Our highly trained staff is committed to delivering outstanding therapy, expert prenatal care, pain relief, and more.
Caring for your aging parents like family. Trust Sadar Home Nursing for quality eldercare.
Providing expert baby care, giving you peace of mind. Trust Sadar Home Nursing.
Recovering from orthopedic surgery or injury? We provide expert rehab at home.
Our skilled nurses provide comprehensive pregnancy care in the comfort of your home.
Our experienced physiotherapists provide tailored treatment plans in the comfort of your home.
Managing COPD, asthma, and other lung conditions with personalized care at home.
medical check-ups and emotional support. Specialized services like feeding tube care (ET/NGT), IV/IM/SC injections
In today's world, numerous health issues arise on a daily basis, often leading to significant
challenges for families and caregivers. These health concerns can persist for extended periods,
requiring dedicated attention and support. Caregivers, such as family members or guardians,
frequently find themselves needing to invest considerable time in looking after their loved
ones. This sometimes necessitates specialized training to ensure they can provide adequate care.
Understanding these challenges, Sadar Home Nursing offers a comprehensive home nursing services,
including oral hygiene and bed baths, sponge baths, diaper changing, and assistance with feeding
and bathroom needs. We assist with the use of a commode, bedpan, and urinal, along with
dressing, repositioning bed-bound patients to prevent bed sores, and walking assistance. Fall
prevention and support with home exercises are also available. Our services include
companionship through games, chatting, and experience sharing, as well as spiritual activities.
We offer care for pregnancy, the elderly, and children, along with medical check-ups and
emotional support. Specialized services like feeding tube care (ET/NGT), IV/IM/SC injections,
dressing, post-operative care, tracheostomy care, colostomy care, nebulization, catheterization,
and physiotherapy are also provided.
हम घर पर नर्सिंग सेवाएं प्रदान करते हैं, जिनमें मौखिक स्वच्छता, बिस्तर पर स्नान, स्पॉन्ज बाथ,
डायपर बदलना, और भोजन और बाथरूम सहायता शामिल हैं। हम कमोड, बेडपैन और यूरिनल के उपयोग में सहायता
करते हैं, साथ ही ड्रेसिंग, बिस्तर पर पड़े मरीजों को बेड सोर्स से बचाने के लिए उनका पुनः स्थिति
निर्धारण करते हैं और चलने में मदद करते हैं। हम गिरावट को रोकने और घर पर व्यायाम में सहायता भी
प्रदान करते हैं। हमारी सेवाओं में खेल, चैट और अनुभव साझा करने के माध्यम से संगति और आध्यात्मिक
गतिविधियाँ शामिल हैं। हम गर्भावस्था, वृद्धों और बच्चों के लिए देखभाल प्रदान करते हैं, साथ ही
चिकित्सा जांच और मानसिक सहारा भी प्रदान करते हैं। हम विशेष सेवाएं जैसे कि फीडिंग ट्यूब देखभाल
(ET/NGT), IV/IM/SC इंजेक्शन, ड्रेसिंग, पोस्ट-ऑपरेटिव देखभाल, ट्रैकेओस्टोमी देखभाल, कॉलोस्टॉमी
देखभाल, नेबुलाइजेशन, कैथेटराइजेशन और फिजियोथेरेपी भी प्रदान करते हैं।